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Do you know that there are some 300 SAFRA members who are active volunteers at SAFRA?
Volunteers are an extensive source of talent and they lend their expertise to complement the efforts of staff in meeting the needs and aspirations of NSmen and SAFRA members.
Since 1972, our volunteers has contributed significantly to SAFRA's growth. Besides sharing their valuable experience, they provide the heartware as well. It is the additional motivation and compassion for a fellow NSman that builds up the kindred spirit.
Additionally the ‘NSmen for NSmen’ approach ensures that we remain relevant in meeting NSmen’s lifestyle needs
Our volunteers serve in different committees at association, interest group and club levels. Currently we have about 38 committees in total and are constantly expanding.
Interest Groups
Whether you are photography buff or a running enthusiast, there is always an interest group for you to be involved in. Hone your skills, pick up new tips or simply connect with like-minded friends, the various interest groups provide excellent platforms for networking and bonding.
Social Gatherings
To further increase the esprit de corps among volunteers, our interest groups also hold regular social gatherings where volunteers will have opportunities to network and build rapport. Not only does it increase bonding among the different communities, it also enables our volunteers to enhance their learning skills and learn from one another.
Email us at vmc@safra.sg for more info or alternatively you can fill up the application form and return to us via the same email address.